Ways to win mentally, physically and emotionally.

Ways to win mentally, physically and emotionally.

Hey beautiful person.

Every year on the anniversary of our birth it gives us a chance to shine and be renewed. Quite often people worry about getting old, especially if those greys and silvers are starting to show but that is the least of our problems. If we have a daily routine of self care, meditation, keeping fit, reading and a cleansing and detoxing routine then our whole body will glow like the sun.

Are you aware that the epidermis constantly renews itself: New cells are made in the lower layers of the epidermis. These move to the surface within four weeks. This constant renewal serves to replace the cells that are lost and fall to the ground as tiny flakes of skin when the skin is rubbed. (National institute of health) We also need to stimulate the brain in order to get the most out of it

Shea wild butters and mouses replenish and revitalise the skin and when used as a daily moisturiser helps to show your glow. Try our Aloe and dandelion range.

Aloe has antioxidant and antibacterial properties, accelerates wound healing and may improve skin and prevent wrinkles.

Aloe Vera Moisturising Gel Base

Whereas Dandelion contain antioxidants that work to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals, which are unstable atoms that can damage cells, causing illness and agingSome studies have suggested that dandelion extracts and compounds may help reduce inflammation in the body. (Medical news today)

Dandelion | The Plant Medicine School

Remember that a healthy body means a healthy mind, by implementing just a few simple things that is, exercise, mindfulness, healthy eating and a good skin regime you know thats all you need to win.


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