You may ask what is self-reflection? Self-reflection is a time in which we look at ourselves from inside out or outside in if we are reflecting an image back that is via a mirror. We look at the things that we love and reflect on the things that we want to change.
It shows us how far we have come
Taking the time to evaluate our own thoughts, emotions and actions and ways in which we have benefited from the things that we have done, is a good way to see how far we have come and gauge where we are going.
There may be some things that we feel are holding us back and self-reflection can give us the time to see the reasons why.
Were our actions necessary?We can also reflect on our actions; and on reflection see if we have over reacted to situations that needed only a little of our emotion. In most cases what we may have thought to be a mountain was merely a mound. Recognise not in the moment but over time to see if we made a wrong decision, then accept and move on.
Gives perspective: There is also perspective and the way that we may see may be different to how others see. When self-reflecting it gives us good opportunity to see not only from our side of the fence but also other peoples. We can’t always be right and when reflecting being truthful with ourselves can only enable us to grow as individuals. Remember we are all different.
Supports development
Self-reflection supports our development and is instrumental to us understanding other people giving us the ownness to sympathise and show empathy to others.
Builds tolerance and patience
When we self-reflect this can build our tolerance and enhance the way in which we process our emotions it also improves our self-esteem and give the opportunity for each of us to have patience and understanding.
Helps us to be creative
When we reflect on ourselves this can bring out a wealth of creativity especially when our self-reflection is done via a walk in the park or through meditation. It brings out the best and greatest ideas.
A word of warning when self-reflecting there will be sides of ourselves that we don’t like, remember that is the purpose of self-reflection nevertheless, learn from the things that we don’t like and be careful not to dwell on the negative as those negative thoughts are like weeds that we definitely want to root out. What in not necessary in our lives should be disregarded and forgotten.
Overall work at becoming your greatest supporter through self-reflection you can validate yourself and walk throughout your life working on becoming a better you.