The Power of Pleasure and Pain

The Power of Pleasure and Pain

Most if not all things that we do in life is associated to avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. However many of us fall into patterns and behaviours that leave us more in pain, yet still seeking to find a happy and pleasurable medium. What is needed?

Identification of unwanted patterns and how a change can be made.

This is where our determination and mindset plays a large role. For us to embrace a new meaning to let go of the pleasure leading to pain, we must break free of all cycles that hold us in a drama and bound state.

Some things that are painful to us can be the very things that bring us pleasure leading to our demise. For example a revolving toxic relationships or some form of addiction.

How can we start to develop a different approach if we find ourselves in a pleasure to pain situation.
  1. Work out what it is that holds in that pleasure leading to pain state.

  2. Start making choices that are going to benefit us in the long term as oppose to a temporary and unproductive circumstance.

  3. Find ways in letting go of what no longer serves us and move towards a more positive way of dealing with our pain.

  4. Look for pleasurable things that we can do to benefit ourselves that do not bring us down.

When you find a good balance within yourselves, relationships and friendships this will help you to overcome any negative behaviour that you may find in your pleasure but leading to pain seeking behaviour.

We do this through developing a positive mindset.


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