How can we get the most out of our body, mind and soul when feeling overwhelmed?

How can we get the most out of our body, mind and soul when feeling overwhelmed?

Hey beautiful

How has your week been?

I realised as I sat and pondered this entrepreneurial space that I occupy that sometimes we may have a lot going on. Being a one-person unit, one can find themselves lost in all of the noise.

How can we get the most out of our body, mind and soul when feeling overwhelmed?


  1. Never give up.

Regardless of how overwhelmed we may feel take a deep breath  and know that all of your hard work will pay off.

  1. The law of the universe says. “When you work you will be paid.”

This is a truth that you can live by, one that will not be inoperative but will definitely be applied, if we put in we will get out. So be about your business with an optimistic outlook.

  1. You’re working towards your greater value and others success.

Everything that you do will leave an undeniable mark nothing you do is in vain.

  1. Your footprints tell the tale.

It may seem to you that progress is not being made but believe this. If you have been working silently in the background look at where your small steps have taken you and where they are leading.

  1. Celebrate your wins every day.

When you get through each day celebrate the fact that you have accomplished something. Working at being yourself, working to achieve a goal and working to elevate takes time.

No matter what, have that self-belief. Although you may feel overwhelmed with a bucket list of things to do. Work on the things that you are good at and delegateto minimise the stress and anxiety that you may feel in your endeavours to success. No man is an island and we all need help from time to time.

Get ready to receive.

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